“Alike” is an animated short film for reflection

By Julio Miranda
February 2, 2022

In a busy life, Copi is a father who tries to teach the right way to his son, Paste.
But… What is the correct path?

Daniel Martínez Lara and Rafa Cano Méndez directed the 3D computer-animated short film Alike. The animation was created over the course of 5 years with the assistance of an ex-animation student using Blender, a free 3D animation program. The animated short depicts a father and son’s connection in a society “where order and work ethic physically drain the color and creativity out of its inhabitants.”

Martinez and Cano began the project in 2010 with a budget of approximately €60,000, using their own technology and finances with the help of producer Nico Matji. Rather than recruiting experienced animators from huge budget companies, the two directors enlisted the services of former animation students from ‘Pepe-school-Land,’ a school where Lara used to teach. Due to a lack of resources, the production relied on Blender, which was available for free. When the animation was finished in 2015, it was shown at film festivals all around the world, but only on the condition that it not be made available online.

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